
Pacific Ventury
Apr 12, 20197 min read
Why not… a world without a binary diversity?
Some weeks ago, as I was applying for some jobs, I had to go through these very cold, administrative, scrutinizing forms asking so many...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 12, 20195 min read
Vous voulez engager de vrais talents? Développez un recrutement basé sur la compassion
Embaucher de nouvelles personnes dans une organisation est toujours un processus difficile et choisir la «bonne» personne relève plus du...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 12, 20194 min read
Want to hire real talents? Develop a compassionate hiring process.
Hiring new people in an organization is always a challenging process and selecting the “right” person is close to some kind of gamble...
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