Pacific Ventury
Apr 14, 20216 min read
“The good old days"... really?
A reflection on how we perceive the past, the future and what seems "natural"
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Pacific Ventury
Mar 9, 20217 min read
“C’était mieux avant”… vraiment?
Le passé nous enferme dans nos paradigmes. Il est temps de se libérer des chaînes du passé pour appréhender le futur plus positivement
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Pacific Ventury
Feb 9, 20214 min read
La voiture électrique polluante ou la métaphore de la résistance au changement
Savais-tu que la voiture électrique pollue autant, si ce n’est plus, que la voiture à essence? C’est ce qui semble ressortir d’une étude...
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Pacific Ventury
Dec 29, 20206 min read
2020, more than a year, the end of a decade that changed the world
2020, annus horribilis we can all agree on this fact! Celebrated on January 1 as the start of a new decade, and bringing with it all of...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 1, 20206 min read
On board a new world: reflections for a post-COVID19 world - Who wants peace prepares peace
The current situation on a global scale invites us to reflect on the world we want to build after the pandemic is over. The world is no...
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Pacific Ventury
Dec 29, 20193 min read
AI helps you build your 2020 new year's resolutions
The following text have been produced with the assistance of an AI software. The sentences in bold are written by Pacific Ventury. The...
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Pacific Ventury
Dec 29, 20193 min read
L'intelligence artificielle vous accompagne pour vos résolutions 2020!
L'article ci-dessous (uniquement en anglais) a été composé en partie par Pacific Ventury, en partie par un logiciel d'Intelligence...
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Pacific Ventury
Jul 2, 20194 min read
Et si le test de Turing était en fait pour nous, humains?
Alan Turing est devenu célèbre pour avoir été celui qui a permis aux Alliés de déchiffrer les machines de cryptage de l’armée allemande...
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Pacific Ventury
Jul 2, 20194 min read
What if the Turing test was actually for us, humans?
Alan Turing became famous for having been the one who allowed the Allies to decipher the encryption machines of the German army during...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 13, 201912 min read
Why not a world... without money?
Did you ever tell yourself, while going grocery shopping and using a piece of plastic called “credit card”, reading virtual numbers on...
4,142 views1 comment
Pacific Ventury
Apr 12, 20197 min read
Why not… a world without a binary diversity?
Some weeks ago, as I was applying for some jobs, I had to go through these very cold, administrative, scrutinizing forms asking so many...
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Pacific Ventury
Apr 12, 201913 min read
Why not... a world without borders?
This article is the first piece of a series we've called "Why not...?". Its intention is to challenge the fundamentals elements of the...
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